Saturday, October 14, 2006

Friday, October 13, 2006

John Wood微軟的高階主管在他35歲高峰辭去的令人稱羨的工作從事 "Room To Read" 非營利組織

我哭 因為我沒有鞋
我哭 因為我沒有腳

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Where Should We Go?




Tuesday, October 10, 2006

We first make our habits
, and then our habits make us.--
John Dryden

May life be a lemon pie, I'd like to put
Sugar and lots of sugar.
No fear of getting fat from my sweetness at heart.

May life be a lemon pie, I'd like to put
Cream and lots of cream.
No fear of getting sucked in softness at words.

May life be a lemon pie, I'd like to put
Lemon, lots of lemon.
Tasting the sour mixed in sweetness and softness of my lemon pie.
A piece of puzzles is getting lost?
Where shall he go? No idea himself.

Shall we give him a smile, and then,
get him into a space in your picture.
Yes? Or, "I don't know"?

A piece of puzzles is getting lost!
Getting lost!
A house in greeness.
So quiet and so gentle.
Greenness of the green signifies creative search in nature.
A house in greeness.
So simple and so tender.
Greenness in life is an openness to accept,
to understand,
and to give thanks
to nature's embrace and light.

Monday, October 09, 2006

我們想用Web2.0 這股力量,在台灣分享THE GOAL的概念

很多人問我們什麼是THE GOAL,它倒是有幾個特色

THE GOAL 它是一個概念-是幫助人們脫離他們目前所處地方去用一種檢驗的方式來看我們的生活,
THE GOAL是一種方法-採取藉由review我們目前的生活來思考並在生活中採取一個檢驗模式
THE GOAL是一種驅動器-幫助自己跳脫思考的框框
THE GOAL是一種自我實現(self-acutualized),不是幫助smart guy進入Havard, Standford,更不是教你如何賺大錢


我們能夠理解台灣在未來的十年很難去形成一個強大的信念系統(Belief System),由於台灣有很多不確定存在,人們開始感受體驗到各式各樣恐懼來臨.怕會被騙,怕失敗,怕虧錢,怕失去機會,怕自己沒有成就,怕被別人看輕......這些恐懼會一直在我們的週遭直到我們死亡

因為如此,人們會開始做什麼呢?人們開始形成一個他們本身不能掌握的信念系統(Belief System),舉個例子,人們開始把大部分的錢投入股市去賺大錢,或者到補習班去補習以便能夠拿到想要的學位或認證,或者,把自己弄得很忙以致於能夠告訴其他人並證明"他自己有多重要".........




Life is full of unexpectedness. The winner always set goals on the path towards happiness and joy.


Wednesday, October 04, 2006

What’s THE GOAL?

THE GOAL is a concept that helps people to stay from where they are standing and looking at their life with investigation. THE GOAL is a new way that we may adopt to examine patterns in our thinking by reviewing what's happening in life.

THE GOAL is different from others in many aspects. We trust the authentic power coming from each individual. We trust a methodology that upgrade our thinking patterns. We assume that people are making decision on the basis of their past experience. Without a uplifting of mental model, it is very difficult for a person to think of out of the box.

All in all, THE GOAL is a driver that pushed people to think out of box.

We believe that we are our own creator of reality. This means, we start each day by making efforts towards the goals in our own mental model.

Step by step, we start to appreciate the feelings about what we are actually desirous in life and take actions to make them happen. We intend to present THE GOAL as an event that welcomes those great minds and that encourage them to break away the barriers and start a new thinking model.

THE GOAL is not a program designed to help a smart kid get into Harvard or Yale, or to promote a newly graduate from college into TOP-10 MBA. Nor is it a program to teach you how to make lots of lots of money.

Why we need THE GOAL?

We realize this is hard for many people in Taiwan to form a strong belief system about what comes in next ten years. Owing to uncertainty in life, people start to experience fear from many ways. They are afraid of being cheated, afraid of failing, afraid of losing money or opportunity, afraid of not being able to achieve something big in life, afraid of being looked down by others. Well, this list can go on and on forever.

What will they do? They start to form a belief system on something they don't have any control over. For example, they start to get all the money into stock markets in order to make a big fortune, or they go to cram school, aiming to get high scores that qualify them for a degree, or they try hard to get busy so that they can tell people how important they are. This society as whole needs lots of thinking and creative patterns.

After so many years of research on decision making, cognitive models, we discover that people are trapped in their own existing thinking patterns, and base each act on this premise. Therefore, it's hard for a person to break his or her habit; not to mention about "forming a new one".

If this reasoning sounds fair, we may argue that people are repeating mistakes in their thinking pattern ( of course, people may repeat good acts as well).

We may take it easy by a smile and share with them that this workshop is a good chance to listen to one's inner  voices. This workshop will train one to exercise some powerful principles in life and help those to re-evaluate the goals one's set in his or her agenda for some time.

As we trust, once they have enough resources from knowledge and physical strength, they can sense opportunities more easily than those who are weak in either.

How THE GOAL run?

We trust that THE GOAL is a new program that can benefit people in our community. Also, we may train people to set up realistic goals in life, and coach other people at the family to follow. We are actually developing it into our own thinking model. It can be related to many projects that a person is currently engaged with.

What you expected to learn from THE GOAL?
With group efforts, we share, listen, express, and learn. This will lead to a change in our belief-system. This is what we expect to occur.

Who should join THE GOAL?
If someone who has been upset for a long time, and can't really identify goals in life, no matter it's personal, family, career, financial, or life related. We are happy to offer them a chance to experience what we have experienced.

If someone who has failed on certain project or plan, and can't get the strength to overcome what's coming next, we are delighted to be with them and support them to jump over the hurdle.

If this participant is totally happy about his or her current situation, we may encourage them continue the efforts as they do. They may come to join THE GOAL for a fresh experience.


Surely, we all can achieve our goals on our own, as we always do since we were children. But, some people are better goal-achiever than others. Some are good achievers in some areas, but not other areas. Everyone was born with GOALs in life for them to achieve. Once the goals achieved, they share this success with family, friends, and people around themselves.

Life is full of unexpectedness. The winner always set goals on the path towards happiness and joy.